Sunday, December 11, 2016

Are You Happy Now?

       I’d like to be around in about a hundred years to witness historians trying to explain how an extreme right wing government that rolled back at least 50 years of progress and initiated draconian policies it took generations to undo (I’m being optimistic here) came to power; when the election of the most unqualified man ever to run for President was influenced, at least in part, by zit-faced Macedonians who figured out how to make money producing fake news Facebook click-bait aimed at dim-witted Americans.

If you’re one of the nearly 63 million boneheads that voted for this conman, as my dear mother used to say, “Are you happy, now?” Nothing good can possibly come from this unless you’re an extreme Christian who wants a theocracy or filthy rich since those are the only ones this government is going to benefit. Of all the explanations of a vote for Trump that I read, most were either of the selfish “what’s in it for me” variety or remarkably deluded. An astonishing number thought a proven and compulsive liar was more trustworthy than Hillary, mostly based on long debunked, bogus scandals the news media helped along by constantly focusing on them. One claimed to be a undecided guy who at the last minute went for the orange face because people in the voting line said mean things about Trump supporters.  By far the most deluded and fucked-up came from Asra Q. Nomani, a Muslim woman and former Wall Street Journal reporter whose justification of a fear of jihadis was beyond ludicrous. At least her complaints of being unable to afford health insurance under Obamacare won’t be an issue for her much longer since health insurance for millions like her won’t even be possibile. Each justification was ill reasoned, narrow or petulant in its own way. 

So now we’ve got a shithead who’s proud of his own ignorance moving into the White House. And his swamp draining is going to be carried out by folks as filthy or filthier rich than he is. The one common thread so far is that most of them have no more experience or qualifications for the job they’ll be doing than he does. 

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